The picture below is not my "Chick Space". It is my hubby's workshop. Look closely and you will see buried among the motorcycles and parts, a fantastic antique wicker desk. This desk belonged to my husband's maternal Grandfather. His Grandfather took this desk with him all over the world when he was in the US Army. It was made by the Yipsilanti Furniture Company in Michigan in the early 1900's. It is so well made. I convinced my husband that I could put it to better use so he let me have it to do what ever I wanted.

The top of the antique desk was very heavy and and had splits in the wood. I removed the top and took the desk to my husband's paint room and primed it with about 6 cans of spray primer.
Then I sprayed it with a white paint. Looking better already.
When that was done. I cut three pine boards to length, glued then together, routed the edges, and sanded till they were very smooth.
I then brushed on a stain with polyurethene.
Now I have a fantastic work table for what I call my "Chic Space".
This room is off my kitchen in my utility area on the 1st floor. It used to be my guest room. It has a bath attached. Since my three sons have moved out, I am able to have my guest rooms upstairs. This works out perfectly as the master bedroom is on the opposite side of the house on the first floor, making the guest rooms upstairs more private.
When I moved the guest room, I decided it would be perfect for my space. I installed beadboard all around to make it more cottagey.
I get to look out at my backyard that is full of different wildlife.
It is a "working room" that may look a little cluttered.
I took the closet doors off to make a desk space. I used the laminate counter top that was in my laundry room. It is great for painting and hot gluing, etc.
I am truly thankful for having this space. If I am in the middle of a project, I can just shut the door. If I am home, this is where you will find me.
Thank you for visiting!